Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Here we have a full contact, participation sport for your enjoyment: making pancakes!

Sweet Pea helping.  He loves to stir!
Delicious, fun, bite-sized if you want it, and super easy. Q loves these things. Absolutely adores them.

And there are so many ways to make them!

Many times I've just straight-up translated my mom's pancake recipe, which of course came from the 1953 Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook - a time capsule of mid-century food I enjoy as much as watching an episode of Mad Men! That's easy: just use GF flour, Rice Milk, and everything else is pretty much the same:


BH & G 1950's "Griddle Cakes" - adapted version... this is how I remember it, at least!

1 cup of flour*
1 tablespoon of sugar - I like brown here, but have used splenda or white sugar in a pinch
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1 cup of milk**
1 egg
1 tablespoon of oil***
1 teaspoon of vanilla if you like

Mix dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients together, whisk them so the eggs are scrambled. Mix wet and dry together in the same bowl. Use a hot oiled skillet to make silver dollars for the kids and large ones for the adults. Flip when you see a bubble toward the center pop and leave a slightly open hole without coming back together. That's when you know it's golden brown on the bottom! My grandmother taught my mom to never flip pancakes more than once, since it makes them sad. I flip them several times, G*d rest my Grandmother's sweet heart.

Have a plate ready with a paper towel on it to keep stacking them, and assume you will have trolling family members eating the pancakes before they hit the table. Serve with maple syrup.

* assume it's Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free all-purpose flour unless I mention something else
** do your thing here. I use Rice Dream ricemilk because, (can you believe it?) many other rice milks have soy in them? sheesh!
*** I use olive oil but canola works too

Those are delicious. But... since my gluten free mama days, I fell in love with Corn Masa Flour. And one day, when I went to make pancakes and found myself down to 1/2 cup of GF Bob's Red Mill all-purpose, I had to punt. It's the same basic recipe with a few twists, but... the results were amazing!

Another option is to add Enjoy Life chocolate chips (these are dairy, nut and soy free! or... wait until Passover comes along as most kosher for Passover chocolate has removed soy too... a reason to stock up, that's for sure!)

Horchata Pancakes
note: Horchata is a hot, delicious drink made of milk, cinnamon and vanilla that comes in various forms from all over Spain and Latin America. I love the flavor of vanilla and cinnamon together... hence:

1/2 cup of regular gluten free flour
1/2 cup of corn masa flour
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of baking powder -- plus a smidge more since the masa flour is a little dense
1 cup of milk (I like to use the vanilla flavored rice milk in this recipe)
1 egg
1 tablespoon of oil
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon of cinnamon

Mix dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients together, whisk them so the eggs are scrambled. Mix wet and dry together in the same bowl. Use a hot oiled skillet to make silver dollars for the kids and large ones for the adults. Flip when you see a bubble toward the center pop and leave a slightly open hole without coming back together. That's when you know it's golden brown on the bottom!

These have a sweet, nutty flavor from the corn and crispier edges in general. The cinnamon and vanilla will make your house smell like heaven. You barely need maple syrup, but if you're like my son you will need some for dipping.
More Please!
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