So we're gearing up for cookie making season, and finally, what better opportunity to test out recipes than Halloween?
Jessica found a great recipe for Sugar Cookies on the Bob's Red Mill site. We had to adapt a little for some allergens in the recipe (butter became palm shortening, for example... a perfect example of how it's easy to subsitute once you have some viable alternative ingredients!), plus we didn't have honey or lemon peel handy, but overall we used this recipe as it stood.
But this is a great point... substitution when working around allergens can free you up to explore so many options, where once you found limitations.
For example, palm shortening has been a baking godsend. It swaps out equally for butter or Crisco in recipes. Once I discovered its existence last year before Christmas, I was thrilled we could make holiday cookies like crazy.
Vegans are great at substituting non-animal-based alternatives for ingredients ~ check out a single vegan bakery in the East Village, and you'll be hooked for life! ~ so I've been taking cues from them on many recipes. One great option for those with egg allergies is flaxseed flour - just 1 T ground flaxseeds to 2 - 3 teaspoons of water = 1 egg equivalent for baking. Some recipes say boil it for a minute then cool, others just say use warm water and let it sit for a few minutes. So, if you have an egg allergy you can still make these cookies!
We baked these cookies for around 8 minutes
Sugar Cookie Recipe
•1/4 cup palm shortening (spectrum organics makes a nice one!)
•2 Tb Maple Syrup
•1/2 cup Sugar
•1-1/2 tsp GF Vanilla
•1-3/4 cups Gluten Free All Purpose Baking Flour
•3/4 tsp Xanthan Gum
•1/2 tsp Sea Salt
•1 tsp Baking Powder
•1/2 tsp Baking Soda
•1 Tb Water, if using electric mixer
•1 large egg white (or use egg substitution, above)
In stand mixer or with a hand mixer, blend palm shortening (room temperature, not melted), maple syrup, sugar and vanilla until smooth. Add flour, xanthan gum, salt, baking powder, baking soda, egg white and lemon peel, blending until mixture forms large ball. If using electric mixer, blend ingredients, then add water if needed, 1 tablespoon at a time. Shape into a ball, cover and refrigerate for about a half hour.
Preheat oven to 325°F. Oil a large cookie sheet with allergen-free oil. Roll out dough and cut into scary shapes!
Bake 8 - 10 minutes or until edges are set. Remove from oven; cool two minutes before transferring to rack to cool.
1/4 c confection sugar mixed with1 Tsp of water
1 T corn syrup
1 Tvanilla rice milk,
...and used Enjoy Life soy / dairy / nut / gluten free chocolate chips to make scarrrry faces! :)
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